Family of Jesus Christ FAMILY OF JESUS CHRIST
The Living God Web Ministry
Teen Page
Article 2


Dear friends in Christ,

Hope this letter finds you in good health with our Lord Jesus, further growing in his graceful love. He is the true friend, with whom we can share faithfully our teenage mind. Living alone is painful; more than that being left alone by others, who we believed once is pathetic. In the fast moving world, friendship is building sooner than making a real ship in the shipyard. At the same time, our relationship breaks more rapidly than the sailing ship in the sea.

The height of loneliness and its agony was experienced by Lord Jesus Christ, while being on the cross. He felt in his spirit that, he was left alone in the sinful world by Father God. There he cried:

 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” [Matthew 27:46].

First of all, we should realise that, for any human (male or female), it is difficult to handle the mind during loneliness. Since the creation of Adam, loneliness is the problem for the human beings. After creating everything, God indeed saw that, all His creations were good. But in the case of Adam, He observed something different; that was loneliness.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him”, [Genesis 2:18].

Remember, loneliness does not bring either happiness or completeness in our life. In fact the major challenge, we face while being alone is that how to defeat the evil thoughts. The enemy of our life is waiting for such opportunity, so that he can trap us into his evil plans to terminate our life. Undeniably, if our life comes out of this body without attaining salvation, the devil makes profit from it. Let’s be clear of one thing that is that, God doesn’t like someone committing suicide.

Loneliness is the result of separation. When Eve got separated from Adam, her mind was trained in understanding the pleasurable fruits of good and evil by Satan. Then she found that, that fruit was lustful and desirable for her heart. Even today, young people get addicted to alcohol, drugs, pornography and other pleasurable stuffs, only after their separation from the parents and good friends. Like the serpent, which led Eve to prohibited tree, now many youths are misguided by evil thoughts of Satan to places, where unlawful things are happening.

Satan employs the same technique of separating the creation from its creator. Loneliness causes uncertainty in our life. This is the spiritual orphan state, in which our soul longs for its partner. God created Eve as speaking partner to Adam. But in the Garden, they got separated spiritually, doing different things because of differential thinking.

Lord Jesus said to his disciples that he would send a comforter for us. Yes, we have got a person, who will never leave us or forsake us in any situation; in particular, the spiritually orphan state that is loneliness. He is the Spirit of God, the greater soul of God. Even when we are in depressed or pathetic state, He can provide the needed comfort and bring the spiritual integrity in us with Him. He is the righteous partner, who will be with us eternally. The beauty in this relation is that, He will never put us into shame, even after knowing our shameful things. He is the only one with whom we can share our secret things; the only one, who can deliver us from the sinful bondages of the devil. He is the true father of our spirit and the provider of peace, joy and happiness.

Let us know that loneliness will take away these spiritual blessings from the mind and bring depression, stress and uncertainty in our life. Only with the help of our spiritual father, we can defeat loneliness. Our spiritual integrity with the Holy Spirit of God would help us to have the feeling of comfort and oneness with God. Never lose heart, you have a saviour, who will deliver you in your difficult times and situations.

“Call me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. For I am with you and will rescue you”, declares the Lord [Jeremiah 33:3; 1:19].

We do not know the truth that loneliness is due to spiritual separation from our loving Father God. Bad habits are the ways, which Satan applies on our life to separate us from God. If we know the truth that, our Lord Jesus forgives all our misdoings and learn the God’s word, we will never be alone. Always the Spirit of our Holy Father will stay in us to give comfort in everything we do.

Praise the Lord.


Your loving brother. 


-- David
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Article 1

How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure?

"By living according to your word", (Psalms 119:9)

The difficult time in human life is teenage period. Though we know the reason, why it is so; mostly we do not extend our help to our young people. In particular, religious Christians have lots of don't(s) than do(s). Holy bible is asking a genuine question: how can a young boy or a girl keep their way that is acceptable to God? The answer is honest and straight forward: By living according to God's word. "Preaching is easy but practicing needs patience". It is very simple to tell others: do not do this or that? When it comes to personal, sometime we find it difficult to adopt the God's word. The major reason could be that we may not see people truthfully following the God's commands. Following God’s word is firstly not an option and also not merely a divine act but it is very much essential to avoid evil things and thoughts in our life. The physical life is now open to both good and evil thoughts/things. Nevertheless, the word of God is freely given to the world, so that people will be guided to walk upright before the living God, Jesus Christ.

Our physical and mental growths attain their peaks during the youth time. Resonance occurs in everything, whether it is thinking or doing; youth life does not have any boundary. Silly things may appear beautiful and morality looks to be constraints. The potential in youth life is certainly immense and needs direction to spend it as kinetic energy. Motion is inevitable, and dreams are daily bread to many. Still, we ought to apply the basic principle of life, what God has given to us: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Surely the teenagers while learning this verse will be happy because they would like to earn more friends. 

Many paths are made in the world by the peoples; all are not according to God’s word. It is therefore necessary that one should watch their way and if they find something wrong, and then purify it following truthfully the word of God.

Sanctification or purification is not becoming holy but changing our mind with the help of God’s word to produce a new thinking pattern. In fact, let’s realize, daily we learn many thinking patterns from different people. While reading, talking and watching, many thought models are conceived by our mind; and these thought models are subsequently processed and put into actions by us, as and when they are required. The thought models of God for different situations and environments are presented in bible. They are unique and righteous. We only need patience to understand why God is asking us to avoid the adventurous desires of this sinful world.

We are going to discuss many hot issues, pertinent to youth life with reference to God’s word in this page. Of course, let our tongues and minds be guarded by the Spirit of God. We extend our warm welcome to all of you; we indeed want your active participation.

"Remember God in your youth” is one of the powerful verses, we could find in the scripture. Therefore, God is really serious about our teenage period to be properly maintained and reported to him. We should never think that God is only for the old aged people. Samuel had enjoyed his childhood and the youthfulness in the presence of God; he still got married and completed all the aspects of human life besides serving the living God. 

Youth is the precious period among different seasons of human life. So, let’s glorify our master in our youth. Lord, I ask you, "let the fire of God be upon every youth".


Your loving brother. 


-- David
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